Our Curriculum
Curriculum Statement
A broad, balanced full curriculum
At Stafford Manor High School, we believe strongly in ensuring that all our students participate in the full curriculum. Our curriculum is as broad as possible for as long as possible and focuses on the sequential development of knowledge and skills to achieve our vision of every child fulfilling their full potential.
Opportunity for all
The curriculum is ambitious for all students and is based on the national curriculum. It aims to enable every child to achieve well, regardless of their starting points. Our aims are based on the fundamental belief that all children want to succeed, can achieve well and that as educators we must help them to overcome whatever challenges they face.
A focus on reading and vocabulary
Reading and vocabulary is a key area of focus at Stafford Manor High and our approach falls into two categories. Whole school reading across subject areas, through tutor reads and reading interventions. Our aim is to ensure that all students can possess the reading skills needed to access the full curriculum that is presented to them and also to access the opportunities presented to them when they leave school.
Our curriculum aims to:
Make safeguarding integral to our daily routines and by doing so, help students to keep themselves safe in school, outside school and in the future.
Empower students to understand and make sense of the world and achieve well.
Expose students to the best that has been said, thought and done by humanity.
Prepare students for the world of work by developing their character and skills.
Help students overcome disadvantage, behave well and prepare them to be good citizens and contribute positively to society.
Curriculum Delivery
The curriculum is delivered by experts who are given autonomy to adapt the curriculum to our context and consider the needs of the students in their classes. We emphasise the importance of improving pedagogy, supported by research and national developments. Lessons are well planned and sequenced to ensure that students build on prior learning, to ensure progression and also to also ensure that lessons are accessible to every student. Teaching is therefore adapted based on the needs of each class.
Key Stage 3
In Key Stage 3, we intentionally provide a broad and balanced curriculum from Year 7 to Year 9. Students study English, maths, science, art, citizenship, design technology, expressive arts, French, humanities, ICT, philosophy & ethics and also social & emotional learning (SEL).
Key Stage 4
In Key Stage 4, our curriculum is personalised and based on ensuring students have a broad balanced core curriculum and are also able to choose options that meet their interests and also ensure they are stretched, challenged and are prepared for the next stage of their education. English Baccalaureate subjects form a strong academic foundation and we are moving towards the government's ambition.
Our Personal, Social, Health and Employment Education (PSHE) curriculum is delivered at KS3 through our Social, Emotional Learning lessons and at KS4 through our Philosophy and Ethics lessons. All subjects contribute to this curriculum alongside tutor time and assemblies. We also use collapsed curriculum time.
At Key Stage 5 Stafford Manor High School is fully integrated into the Stafford Schools Partnership that allows students to access an outstanding range of A Level and vocational qualifications.
Extra-curricular Programme
Our extra-curricular programme offers students a wide variety of opportunities to take part and learn outside of the classroom. This includes clubs, trips and residential opportunities.