By law[1], the Governors of Stafford Manor High School are required to discharge three core strategic functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The composition of the Governing Board is regulated by the School’s Instrument of Government which provides that it shall consist of:
2 Parent Governors
1 Local Authority Governor
1 Staff Governor
1 Headteacher Governor (where the Headteacher chooses to be a Governor)
2 Foundation Governors
5 Co-opted governors
All have voting rights on the Full Governing Board.
Parent and Staff Governors are elected. The Local Authority Governor is nominated by Staffordshire County Council and the Foundation Governors are appointed by the School’s legal foundation which is the Stafford Community Learning Trust.
Co-opted Governors are chosen from a variety of backgrounds in order to ensure that the Governing Board collectively possesses the range of skills necessary to perform its statutory duties and are appointed by the Full Governing Board. These skills are regularly audited and augmented by a programme of ongoing training and development.
The Board is made up of:-

Chair of Governors
I have lived in Stafford since 2012 and I have been a Governor at Stafford Manor High School since 2015. I had one step-son at Stafford Manor High School. I also have two other children, born in 1997 and 2007. I, therefore, have a good understanding of the journey a student goes through whilst in school and in further education, and am keen that every student gets the best opportunity we can give them at Stafford Manor High School.
I have held Senior Board level positions for over 20 years, in a number of Blue Chip companies across the UK, Europe and in Asia, leading large teams across many sites. During the time, I have been responsible for the financial results, commercial activities, investments and operational performances of these businesses. I am also experienced in safety, planning and challenging the norm! I currently run my own consultancy business, specialising in Board level operations and supply chains.
I have been Chair of the Finance Committee since 2016 and enjoy working with the other Governors and the school Leadership team in trying the maximise the ever challenging landscape of school funding, yet deliver the best facilities and equipment we can afford to enable them to succeed. I am proud to have played a part in helping the school achieve outstanding progression recently and I welcome any communication from parents wanting to know more about the school.

Co-opted\safeguarding Governor
I have been working in Finance since 2000, supporting a variety of Businesses ranging from local to worldwide. I have a vast skill set that has enabled me to be successful in Business and also to help support my son and guide him through his life.
I have one son who attended Stafford Manor since September 2015, and completed his G.C.S.E's in Summer 2020.
I have lived in Stafford my entire life and always been geographically close to Stafford Manor High School. I was a student at this school and completed both G.C.S.E's and A levels to a high level while here.
I would now love to put back into the school the skills I have been taught and support the school in its growth.
The students at Stafford Manor are our future and it is vital that they have the opportunity and support to shine in all areas possible. This is something that I feel very passionate about as every student should have this chance.

I have lived locally for 15 years. After teaching secondary and special needs pupils I moved into working with, and supporting, governing boards and have also been a governor for several years. I passionately believe that all children should be able to achieve their individual potential.
I am pleased to be working with the governors of Stafford Manor High School and to be able to use my skills and experience to improve outcomes for pupils.
Mrs M Whiteman
Co-opted Governor

Parent Governor
I have lived in Stafford most of my life and have family connections in the area. I, together with other members of my family, am a former student of Rising Brook High School.
My daughter now attends SMHS, joining Year 7 in September 2020. She has settled in so well, particularly given the challenges of Covid19.
I am a qualified Nursery Nurse and have working in various sectors of childcare. I have also worked at St Georges Hospital in the field of learning disabilities and mental health. I feel I will be able to use my previous knowledge to help me as a Parent Governor and I look forward to being part of the school's journey.

Co-opted Governor
As assistant headteacher and lead for inclusion at a Staffordshire school, I am passionate about providing young people with a high quality education and the support needed to navigate life challenges and become successful young adults within our community.
I have worked in the education sector since 2007 in a range of mainstream schools, across a number of local authorities within the West Midlands. My particular areas of interests are practical and vocational subjects, teaching and learning and pedagogy. My current role also encompasses being a SENCO, supporting students with special educational needs which I feel is an important and ever evolving role.
I am excited to be part of the Stafford Manor High School governing body and am looking forward to supporting our students families and wider community within this role.
The Full Governing Board meets at least once each term and more frequently when required. Detailed work is delegated to specialist committees/groups which report to the FGB, all members have full voting rights:
Strategic Group:-
Consists of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board and the Headteacher. It meets 3/4 times per year on an informal basis.​​
Members of Staff are welcome to attend and observe the work of the FGB or any of these committees at any time (subject to being asked to withdraw for part of a meeting should any sensitive or restricted business need to be discussed).
Other Governors’ Committees dealing with matters such as Headteacher’s Performance, HR issues and Pupil Discipline meet as required.
It is not the role of the Governors to deal with the daily operational running of the School – this is for the Headteacher, the SLT and the Staff. However, in order to discharge their strategic responsibilities, it is important that Governors engage closely with staff and pupils.
Governors are appointed as ‘Link’ Governors with special responsibility for the following areas:
Student Welfare – To include Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attendance -CP
Business and Staff Wellbeing – To include CIEAG, Health & Safety Training & Professional Development - WD
Vulnerable Groups – To include SEN, PP, LAC, EAL - CP
Curriculum – To include Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, RSE - MB
The contact details of each current Link Governor can be obtained from the School.
Governors regularly attend meetings of the School Council and other events and frequently hold meetings of the Full Governing Board and the various Governors’ Committees in School. They are always available to staff for discussion on these occasions. Governors are happy to support staff when required. Governors can be contacted at any other time and meetings between Members of Staff and Governors will be arranged when requested.
Should you require any further information with regard to the work of the Governing Board or any matter relating to the governance of Stafford Manor High School, please feel free to contact the School.
The Chair can be contacted via email at