Safeguarding at
Stafford Manor High School
Safeguarding children and young people
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs Joanne Thorley – Asst. Headteacher/Head of Y10 & 11
The Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DDSL)
Mr Rhys Adams – Headteacher
The Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DDSL)
Mrs Amanda Bradbury – Senior Family Support Worker
The Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DDSL)
Mrs Kym Sims – Head of Year 8 & 9
The Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DDSL)
Mr Darren Chadwick – Head of Year 7 & Transition
The Governing Body assures all visitors, workers and volunteers a warm welcome to Stafford Manor High School whatever the purpose of their visit.
The school has a legal duty of care for the health, safety, security and wellbeing of all students and staff. This duty of care incorporates the duty to ‘safeguard’ all students from subjection to any kind of harm, abuse or nuisance.
You have a personal responsibility to comply with the school’s safety policies in order to ensure your personal safety and that of other. These will be made available for your inspection on request.
There can be no complacency where child protection and safeguarding procedures are concerned.
This guidance ensures that Stafford Manor High School is a safe environment for learning.
In the event of a visit to the school premises, on arrival you will be asked to sign in at reception and collect a visitor’s badge. It is imperative that you wear the badge at all times during your visit to the school and that it is visible. Please ensure that you sign out when exiting the building and hand the visitor’s badge back to reception.
Vehicles are parked on the school site at your own risk.
Please take care of your valuables. The school cannot be held responsible for any personal effects.
The school operates a No Smoking Policy.
We expect that appropriate behaviour/language should be maintained at all times on the school premises.
To contact the school Safeguarding Team please telephone 01785 258383
For out of hours contact - Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service 0300 111 8007
Emergency duty Service 0345 604 2886
Child Protection
We have a responsibility to protect our staff and students from violence and will not tolerate any form of violence at any time.
Mr Adams and Mrs Bradbury are the designated officers for Child Protection.
Should you hear or see something that gives you cause for concern regarding the safety of a student, please report this immediately to the designated child protection officers or a member of senior staff.
Fire Safety
In the event of a fire or emergency evacuation, please follow the emergency evacuation procedure which is displayed in prominent positions around the school.
A prolonged ringing of the fire alarm signifies an emergency evacuation of the premises.
First Aid
For First Aid facilities, please contact reception 01785 258383, or a trained First Aider.
Expected standards of conduct and dress
Stafford Manor High School believes that all of its visitors, workers and volunteers are entitled to be treated by others in a way that respects their rights and feelings, and values them as individuals.
Stafford Manor High School has a firm commitment to equality of opportunity and will not tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying, harassment, threats or abuse, by or against its visitors, workers and volunteers on grounds of race, sex, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, marital status or otherwise.
All visitors, workers and volunteers to the school premises, or carrying out the business of the school off site, are therefore expected to:
Behave in a controlled and dignified manner and avoid hostile, threatening or aggressive language and behaviour that may cause offence, attract unfavourable publicity or otherwise bring the school into disrepute.
Be neat, smart and professional in appearance including traditional/national dress or appropriate personal protective clothing, and avoid ‘casual’ or revealing clothing, for example jeans, vests, shorts, trainers and flip flops.
Ensure that make up, jewellery, body piercing or tattooing is discreet and appropriate to the school environment.
Not normally wear headwear except those associated with religious expression and/or traditional/national dress or appropriate personal protective clothing.
Visitors, workers or volunteers who persist in behaviour contrary to the above principles may be asked to leave the premises or otherwise discontinue their engagement of association with the school. The police may be informed where appropriate.
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