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School Performance

Exam Results

Cohort: 62 students

We know that it is great lessons delivered by highly skilled teachers that are helping to ensure that attainment continues to improve for all our students.


Attainment 8: 3.8

This year students achieved an average GCSE grade of 3.8. The result shows that student achievement has continued to improve from results in 2019 (3.7) and 2018 (3.6).


Progress 8 Score: -0.75

The Government's main measure of a school's academic success is using Progress 8. This is based on the progress, across 8 subjects, from a student's KS2 SATs scores.


Please note:

The school’s Progress 8 and Attainment 8 scores for 2022 are not an accurate representation of the progress students made in 2022 because our students sat their GCSE English Literature during Y10.


The government decided to omit the grades from our Progress 8 and Attainment 8 score because the English Literature grades were not achieved by students sitting a real exam because they were cancelled in 2021 due to Covid 19.


Had students taken their English Literature exams in Year 11 last year, the school’s Progress 8 Score would have been -0.31 (95th CI above 0) and the school’s attainment 8 score would have been 42.7.


Grade 5+ English & Maths: 36%


Link to the Government website for schools exam results:

Stafford Manor High School - Find school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (



Despite our English literature grades not counting as part of Progress 8 and Attainment 8:


● Our students achieved a high quality English Literature GCSE grade.

● Strong academic performance across all core subjects

● English, Maths and Science continue to perform above national expectations


As a school we continue to provide a highly personalised approach and continue to provide the very best education for our students.


Other Key Performance Indicators

● Percentage of students who gained a good pass (Grade 4+) in English and maths: 69% (or 64% without GCSE Literature counting).

● Percentage of students who gained a strong pass (Grade 5+) in English and maths: 41% (or 36% without GCSE Literature counting).

● Percentage of students entered for the EBacc (English Baccalaureate): 0%

● EBacc in 2023 will be 14% and in 2024 17%

● EBacc average point score: 3.51

● Student destinations: 98.1% remained in education, employment or training (2020 leavers)


Key Stage 5 (16-18) information (2022)

No summer results

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ST17 9DJ

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