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Pupil Premium 

Pupil Premium Strategy


At Stafford Manor High School, we recognise the need to adopt effective strategies to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. Our methodology sets out a process which helps us to decide on the optimum strategies to maintain efficient and effective use of pupil premium (PP) funding over time. Underpinning the process is the absolute focus on the quality of teaching. There is solid evidence that high quality teaching must be at the core of all our work to overcome disadvantage.


The process of decision-making on PP spending starts with an analysis of the challenges to learning for disadvantaged pupils. Challenges to learning may be for academic or non-academic reasons. Examples of the challenges that may negatively affect pupil’s education and impact their access to teaching include:


· Prior Data from Primary School (Students from disadvantage background already have a gap).

· Attendance and levels of persistent absence

· Behaviour incidences and exclusions data

· Pupils from disadvantage background also have additional needs.

· Reading ages of pupils below their chronological ages.


Governors, Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and staff agree on the desired outcomes of the PP funding. These include: raising attainment of PP-eligible pupils; closing the gap between PP pupils and others in the school and all pupils nationally; improving attendance; reducing exclusions; increasing the engagement of parents with their children’s education and with the school; increasing opportunities for PP-eligible pupils and broadening experience.



Pupil Premium Grant for 2024-25


Schools will receive £1050 funding for each child registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years:


A Pupil Premium Grant of £2570 is awarded for each looked after pupil defined by the Children Act 1989 as one who:


· is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by an English local authority

· have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangement order or a residence order.


Schools are held accountable for the spending of these monies and performance tables will capture the achievement of disadvantaged students covered by the Pupil Premium. Stafford Manor High School is committed to providing effective resources and ensuring vital support is in place for our disadvantaged students to improve their academic outcomes.



Pupil Premium Strategy Report for 2024-2027


2021/2022 to 2023/2024 PP Strategy Report (Including the Recovery Premium) - Click here to see the 2021-2024 planned spend


2022/2023 to 2024/2025 PP Strategy Report (Including the Recovery Premium) - Click here to see the 2022-2025 planned spend​


2024-2027 PP Strategy Report Click here to see the planned spend


2020/2021 PP Strategy Report - Click here to see the 2020-2021 PP planned spend


2024-2027 PP Strategy Statement Click here to see the planned spend

Contact Us

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Stafford Manor High School

Wolverhampton Road


ST17 9DJ

Tel: 01785 258383  

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